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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

My Sincerely Apology

Refer to the previous post, as my dear feel that the entries is not sincerely at all, in order to make my dear feel that I'm sincerely apology to her, here is the longer and faithfully cum sincerely post for you.

I hereby apologize to my dear that I sounded at her for something that she is not necessary to do which is to sms Ms. K the next day after the party to wish/greet her have a safe journey and make her feel better as couldn't take any memorial picture with us, the reason that why my dear shouldn't text her or is not necessary to text her is because that during that party, my dear is bored as no one there is her friend except me, and those topic that we chatted, she has no idea at all, and that time, Ms. K is busy entertaining her guests and no time to entertained my dear, therefore, my dear decided to text her friend and see is there's any 2nd round for her or not to save her out from the boredom, there's no wrong at all for her to do so, when leaving her place, my dear did actually greet her a good bye, and that's more than enough.

About the farewell party that me, AL, JE, KK,I and CK organized for Ms. K, it has nothing to do with my dear, the reason why I held this farewell party for Ms. K is because wanted to have a reunion with all the drinking mates before she leave Malaysia to Perth to further her studies, and I blame it to my dear because of her leaving earlier, I have to organize another farewell party with Ms. K, my bad, I apology, and I hope you accept my apology hereafter.

Regards to the picture about the weekly hanger that Ms. K upload at Facebook, she tagged everyone in except my dear's name on it, and she replaced my dear's name with anonymous, which make my dear pissed to the max, and due to this matter, I burst my anger to Ms. I on facebook as Ms. K is not online at that time, and I'm in my college rushing to my next class, so I asked Ms. I help me to pass my anger to Ms. K and ask her to do something to the picture, right after that day, Ms. K changed all the name who had been tagged to weekly name instead of those person names who share for that hanger.

This matter has been bothering me since end of January 09 until to date, and I know if 1 day I don't settle this down with my dear, she'll kept whining whenever she has a chance to do so, from now onwards, I promised my dear that I won't believe what others said, or will not listen to what others said about her, all I will only listen to my dear, believe in her, and support her for everything that she do.

Last but not least, all of the above statement is truly from me, myself, it has nothing to do with any others parties, and I hope that my dear could just forget bout this matter and come back to me happily ever after, as I love my dear very much and I don't wish to lose her in my arm, I love you Xinyu Tan.

Yours faithfully,
Khinko Ng

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Blogger Xodus said...

macam serious?

1:53 AM  
Blogger ~.'.*KhInKo*.'.~ said...

abalone: hafto lar, if not she will not stop argue until she get what she want, and thank god, this has been settled down for good. XD

9:27 AM  

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