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Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Roaring Year peepz!!!

Yea yea, I know I know, it has been quite a while I didn't update my blog, my bad my bad, my apology...lolx, since the day I entered Help University College, life changed, from full timer working becoming part timer, and from Part timer students become full timer in Help University College (hereinafter refer as HUC) as HUC do not offer part time course for students, they claim that their subject is very tough and not easy to pass, I doubt so when I 1st heard from the consultant. But I realized that what the consultant said is true during the 1st sem I am In HUC, why? I SCREWED my 1st subject, WTF...I gotta paid extra RM1.5k to resit that paper....because I thought that HUC subject doesn't need to get a text book for me to pass that subject, because during Unitar time, I can easily score just using lecturer slides and notes, but the outcome of the result proven that I must have a text book for me to pass the subject...FML......

Btw, life's changed a lot, I'm started to enjoy my student's life, morning wake up attend classes, noon lunch with mates then when cyber cafe L4D2 with mates, after that balik rumah tidurr.....fuuuuu, then during exam period, gather all the mates and have a group revision, basically is chit chatting session lar. Anyway, I've planned to resign on April, because there's one subject I need to take before enroll for my graduation project, total took 6months to complete, and currently @ year 3, subject was getting even toughed, dare not to use my time and money to fool with my education.

Well well well, today, is the 2nd day of Chinese Lunar New Year, I hereby wishing all of you a Happy Chinese Roaring Year and enjoy your delicious food, but remember to lose weight after CNY yea...Ciaoz....ROOARrrrr!!!!



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