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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

How To Luv A Gurl~Treat Ur Luv 1 this Way....

Love the girl in your heart, not in your mind. If you
base your relationship on feelings, it will fail for
there are ups & downs in feelings. Girls are there
to be loved, not toyed around.

Love her for who she is. Don't even think about
changing any bit about her. 6 billion people in this
world & 6 billion different personalities. She's
special & she will stay that way. You change any
part of her, you'll change her forever. Don't
substitute her for anyone else, they are just unique
in their own ways.

Love her whole-heartedly. She sacrificed a lot for
you so you'd better really treassure her. She could
have just got up & date a so much more dashing
guy in town but she chose you instead all because
of love. So love her guys, not play with her.

Don't just get the girl to beg you to stay or
whatsoever. If you're with her, love her. Don't
a strain in the relationship, you'll end up loving
each other out of pity or charity, that's not
respecting love at all. Respect love the way it is &
everything will be the best it can be.

Don't expect perfection from her. She's the only
one in the world & she's done the best she could.

Like another girl while you're in a relationship?
Then I think it's time you remain single for a while.
Don't go around breaking girls' hearts, it's the most
tragic thing to do.

Tell the truth, never hide anything from her. If you
want her to tell you everything, do the same. Don't
go calling other girls "honey", "darling" or " cutie",
would it feel if your girl calls other guys the same
way? Be faithful, enough is enough.

Socialise only when you're single. You socialise &
flirt around is to get the girl of your dreams. Get it
over when she's already yours, don't ask for more.

It never kills to be romantic. Think, be flexible.
Getting that diamond ring isn't the only gift for her.
Be realistic, she's human & she lives life just like
you. Something sweet & simple always get the job
done. Money doesn't exist between couples, it's
the love.

Never promise her that you'll love her forever
because your forever might end the next day. Love
her as if each day is the last.

Sweet talks only apply for singles, not for attached
guys. Do that & you'll really break your girl's heart.
Isn't good being too well-known too, it'll give her a
sense of insecurity. Remember, INSECURITY.

Promise her & make sure you never break it.
Swear to her & make sure you keep it. Pledge
your love to her & her alone.

Loving her is giving her your heart to break it but
trusting her not to. Instead, she'll cherish it &
protect it. That's love. Give her your heart, your
life, your everything.

Lay down your life & prepare to die for her when
the need arises. But stay strong & live through
another day, she can never live without you.

Never, ever walk out of her life. She won't just cry
her heart out & carry on living as per normal, she'd
die. It her heart that you've broken, how would you
ever know how she feels?

Winning a girl's heart isn't the final victory. Don't
leave her once you've won her love. Love her all
the way till the end of time, love her till marriage,
her till old age, love her till death. If you can love
her till the end of time
pray the god together and ask the god blessing to
each one other ...!!


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